Twisted Metal 2 Cheat Codes

Twisted Metal 2 (PSX)

While playing a game, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a sound and text message will appear.

Infinite weapons
While playing a game, hold R2 + L2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a sound and text message will appear.

Super machine guns
While playing a game, hold R2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a sound and text message will appear.

Trade weapons for health
While playing a game, press Down, Up, Right, Left, Up(2), Down(2). This will trade all weapons in your inventory for health. The more weapons you have in your inventory, the more health you will receive.

More damage
While playing a game as Axel, hold R1 and press Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left, Down, Up. Now when Axel runs into something, it will do a large amount of damage.
Note: This code only works for Axel.

Homing napalm
Get at least two napalms. Fire a napalm, keep the button held, and press Up, Down(2), Left(3), Right(2). If you entered the code correctly, extra napalms will appear in your inventory. Any napalms collected will act as homing napalms when fired and track their intended target.

Play as Sweet Tooth
At the vehicle selection screen, press Up, L1, Triangle, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of an explosion.
Note: The stage password will not be accessible with this code.

Play as Minion
At the vehicle selection screen, press L1, Up, Down, Left.
Note: The stage password will not be accessible with this code.

Jet Moto Suicide Swamp bonus level
At the two player challenge match track selection screen, press Up, Down, Right, R1. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a loud noise.

Rooftop bonus level
At the two player challenge match track selection screen, press Down, Left, R1, Down. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a loud noise.

Cyburbia bonus level
At the two player challenge match track selection screen, press Down, Up, L1, R1. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a loud noise.

Hidden FMV sequence
At the SingleTrac logo screen, press Up, Down, L1, R1. Enter the code when the logo changes into its second form.

Random vehicle
At the vehicle selection screen, press R1.

Weapon list
While playing a game, press Select + Down to select weapons from a list instead of a group of icons.

Rear view mirror
While playing a game, press Select + Right.

Disable radar
While playing a game, press Select + Left.

Alternate views
While playing a game in one player mode, hold Up and press Select to switch to an overhead and helicopter view. In two player mode, this will alternate how the screen is split.

Hints, tips, and tricks

Special moves

Invisibility (three seconds) Right, Down, Left, Up
Shield Up(2), Right
Freeze ball Left, Right, Up
Napalm Right, Left, Up
Jump Up(2), Left
Mines Right, Left, Down
Rear Attack Left, Right, Down
Rear Freeze Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up
Rear Napalm Left, Right, Down, Right, Left, Up
Minion Attack Up, Down, Up(2), R2

Note: Minion's Attack can be used by any vehicle.

Level passwords

Level Password
Moscow X, Triangle, X, X, _, _
Paris Circle, Triangle, Square, _, Triangle, _
Amazonia Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, _
New York _, Triangle, Square, Square, X, _
Antarctica X, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle
Holland Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle
Hong Kong Triangle, X, Circle, X, X, Circle
Dark Tooth Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, _, Square
Moscow Triangle, X, Circle, _, _, _
Paris X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle
Amazonia _, X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Circle
New York Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, _, Square
Antarctica X, Square, Square, Circle, _, Triangle
Holland Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle
Hong Kong Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, Triangle
Dark Tooth X, _, X, Square, Square, _
Moscow _, Triangle, X, X, X, _, Square
Paris _, X, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle
Amazonia Triangle, _, _, _, X, Circle
New York Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, X
Antarctica Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square
Holland Triangle, Square, Square, X, Square, _
Hong Kong Circle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle
Dark Tooth Circle, Circle, Circle, _, Triangle, X
Mr. Grimm
Moscow Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Circle, _
Paris Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X
Amazonia X, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
New York Triangle, _, _, Circle, X, Circle
Antarctica Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, _
Holland X, X, Triangle, _, Circle, X
Hong Kong _, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square
Dark Tooth _, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle
Mr. Slam
Moscow X, X, Triangle, Square, X, _
Paris X, _, _, Circle, X, Square
Amazonia Circle, Triangle, Square, _, Square, X
New York Triangle, X, Circle, Square, _, Circle
Antarctica Triangle, _, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle
Holland _, Circle, _, _, Circle, _
Honk Kong Square, _, _, Triangle, _, Triangle
Dark Tooth Square, _, Square, Triangle, Circle, X
Outlaw 2
Moscow _, X, Circle, _, Triangle, _
Paris Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, _
Amazonia Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, _
New York Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, _
Antarctica X, Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, _
Holland X, Square, Square, _, Triangle
Hong Kong _, Triangle, X, Square, X, X
Dark Tooth _, Circle, X, _, Triangle, _
Road Kill
Moscow Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Square, _
Paris Triangle, _, Triangle, _, _, Circle
Amazonia X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle
New York Circle, _, _, X, _, X
Antarctica _, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, _
Holland X, _, _, Triangle, _, Square
Hong Kong Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
Dark Tooth Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X,
Moscow Square, _, _, Triangle, Triangle, _
Paris X, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle
Amazonia X, X, Circle, _, Triangle, X
New York X, _, _, X, Circle, Square
Antarctica Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Circle
Holland Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, _
Hong Kong Circle, _, Triangle, _, Square, X
Dark Tooth Circle, Triangle, _, Triangle, Circle, _
Moscow Circle, Triangle, X, X, Triangle, _
Paris _, Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, X
Amazonia Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
New York _, X, Circle, X, X, Triangle
Antarctica X, _, _, _, Circle, Triangle
Holland Triangle, _, _, Square, X, Square
Hong Kong X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square
Dark Tooth X, Circle, Circle, Circle, _, Triangle
Moscow Circle, _, _, Triangle, X, _
Paris X, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle
Amazonia Triangle, X, Circle, _, Square, _
New York X, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle
Antarctica Triangle, Triangle, Square, _, _, _
Holland X, Triangle, X, _, Square, Triangle
Hong Kong Triangle, _, _, Square, Triangle, _
Dark Tooth Triangle, _, Square, Square, X, Circle
Moscow X, _, _, Triangle, Circle, _
Paris Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Triangle
Amazonia _, Triangle, Square, X, Square, Circle
New York X, Triangle, X, Circle, X, _
Antarctica Circle, _, _, X, Square, Triangle
Holland _, X, X, _, _, Circle
Hong Kong X, X, Triangle, X, Square, _
Dark Tooth X, Square, _, Square, Triangle, Circle
Moscow Triangle, _, _, Triangle, Square, _
Paris Triangle, Square, Square, Square, X, Square
Amazonia Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, X
New York X, Square, Square, _, X, Circle
Antarctica _, X, Circle, Triangle, _, Square
Holland Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, _, X
Hong Kong Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, _, Circle
Dark Tooth Circle, Square, Space, Circle, Circle, Square

Note: "_" indicates a space.

Game Shark Codes

Enable Sweet Tooth 30180D04 0001
Enable Minion 30180D05 0001
Always Play Level ? 80164774 000?
Start on Level ? D0164774 0001
80164774 000?
Background is ? 8001A0A2 0?08
Both Players Cars 8003434A 0?0E
Both Players Drivers 800347F2 0?0E
Player 1 Codes
Infinite Specials 801882E6 0063
Infinite Fire Missiles 801882E8 0063
Infinite Homing Missiles 801882EA 0063
Infinite Remote Bombs 801882EC 0063
Infinite Power Missiles 801882EE 0063
Infinite Napalms 801882F0 0063
Infinite Richochet Bombs 801882F2 0063
Infinite Lightning 801882F4 0063
Infinite Lives 80164770 FF03
Infinite Energy 80187D00 0078
75% Energy D0187D00 0078
80187D00 005A
50% Energy D0187D00 0078
80187D00 003C
25% Energy D0187D00 0078
80187D00 001E
No Energy 80187D00 0000
1-Hit Death D0187D00 0078
80187D00 0001
Infinite Turbo 8018830A 00C8
No Turbo 8018830A 0000
Infinite Advanced Attack Energy Bar 80188308 0400
No Advanced Attack Energy Bar 80188308 0000
Mega Rapid Fire 801882FE 0000
Disable Weapons (Except Gun) 801882E4 0F0F
Infinite Everything (Except Energy and Lives) 801882DA 0F0F
Speed is Always ???? 80187D08 ????
Player 2 Codes
Infinite Specials 80188AFA 0063
Infinite Fire Missiles 80188AFC 0063
Infinite Homing Missiles 80188AFE 0063
Infinite Remote Bombs 80188B00 0063
Infinite Power Missiles 80188B02 0063
Infinite Napalms P2 80188B04 0063
Infinite Richochet Bombs 80188B06 0063
Infinite Lightning 80188B08 0063
Infinite Energy 80188514 0078
75% Energy D0188514 0078
80188514 005A
50% Energy D0188514 0078
80188514 003C
25% Energy D0188514 0078
80188514 001E
No Energy 80188514 0000
1-Hit Death D0188514 0078
80188514 0001
Infinite Turbo 80188B1E 00C8
No Turbo 80188B1E 0000
Infinite Advanced Attack Energy Bar 80188B1C 0400
No Advanced Attack Energy Bar 80188B1C 0000
Mega Rapid Fire 80188B12 0000
Disable Weapons (Except Gun) 80188AF8 0F0F
Infinite Everything (Except Energy and Lives) 80188AEE 0F0F
Speed is Always ???? 8018851C ????
Quantity Digits to Accompany Background and Level Modifier Codes
01 - Los Angeles
02 - Moscow
03 - Paris
04 - Amazonia
05 - New York
06 - Antarctica
07 - Holland
08 - Hong Kong
09 - (Glitches)
0A - Jet Moto Course
0B - Cyburbia
0C - Rooftop
Quantity Digits to Accompany Driver and Car Modifier Codes
00 - Hammerhead
01 - Outlaw 2
02 - Warthog
03 - Mr. Grimm
04 - Grasshopper
05 - Thumper
06 - Spectre
07 - Road Kill
08 - Twister
09 - Axel
0A - Mr. Slam
0B - Shadow
0C - Sweet Tooth
0D - Minion
0E - Darktooth (Glitches Periodically) (Switch View to See Greatest)

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