Cheat mode
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + C during game. (Note: Cheat mode need only be activated once per game.)
100,000 mana (version 1.51)
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “ha ha thisaway ha ha thataway”.
All magic spells
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “i believe its magic”.
Full map
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “now the rain has gone”.
Higher Resolution
If you have a Voodoo 3 board and are comfortable running REGEDIT then this code is for you.
How to get Secret Levels
(NOTE: This is just a playing tip.)
The way to get secret levels is by exploring new land and finding the secret boxes. Claim the land under the secret boxes. Use your bridges to get your imps to those hard-to-reach places. If you do not click on the box, one of your imps will go and pick it up and bring it to your library.
Lower the Wall Height
Although it is in the manual, Bullfrog forgot to put in the box to lower the height of the walls. Fear not, you can do it but it does involve editing your registry.
More money
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “show me the money” for 100,000 gold pieces or a full treasury (which ever is the lesser of the two).
Select level
Load the game using one of the command line parameters below.
Example: DK2.EXE –level15b
Set all monster skills to 10
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “feel the power”.
Skip level
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “do not fear the reaper”.
Unlock all rooms
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “this is my church”.
Unlock all rooms and thwart all traps
Enable Cheat mode. Then type “fit the best”.