Bonus Players
Enter these codes at the Enter Initials screen.
Name | Code |
Julia | 1234 |
Turmell | 0322 |
Sal | 0201 |
Jason | 3141 |
Jenifr | 3333 |
Daniel | 0604 |
Japple | 6660 |
Root | 6000 |
Luis | 3333 |
Mike | 3333 |
Gentil | 1111 |
Brain | 1111 |
Forden | 1111 |
Skull | 1111 |
Carltn | 1111 |
Shinok | 8337 |
Raiden | 3691 |
Thug | 1111 |
Van | 1234 |
Billz | 0526 |
Zz | 1221 |
Jimk | 5651 |
Marka | 1112 |
Ed | 3246 |
Todd | 1122 |
Mitch | 4393 |
John | 5158 |
Josh | 4288 |
Ryan | 1029 |
Beth | 7761 |
Brian | 0818 |
Grinch | 2220 |
Paulo | 0517 |
Lt | 7777 |
Nico | 4440 |
Gatson | 1111 |
Guido | 6765 |
Rog | 8148 |
Monty | 1836 |
Shun | 0530 |
Gene | 0310 |
Paula | 0425 |
Dbn | 6969 |
Thug | 1111 |
Cheat Codes
Enter these codes on the Matchup screen.
Cheat | Cheat Code |
Big Players | 1-4-1 Right |
Big Head Team | 2-0-3 Right |
Fast Passes | 2-5-0 Left |
Headless Team | 1-2-3 Right |
Hide Name | 1-0-2 Right |
Huge Football | 0-5-0 Right |
Huge Head | 0-4-0 Up |
Hyper Blitz | 5-5-5 Up |
Hyper Turbo | 3-2-0 Left |
Invisible | 4-3-3 Up |
Invisible Qback | 3-4-2 Left |
Late Hits | 0-1-0 Up |
More Speed | 4-0-4 Left |
Night Game | 2-2-2 Right |
No CPU Assistance | 0-1-2 Down |
No First Downs | 2-1-0 Up |
No Fumbles | 4-2-3 Down |
No Head | 3-2-1 Left |
No Interceptions | 3-4-4 Up |
No Out Of Bounds | 2-1-1 Left |
No Punting | 1-5-1 Up |
No Random Fumbles | 4-2-3 Down |
Power Blockers | 3-1-2 Left |
Power Defense | 4-2-1 Up |
Powerup Blockers | 3-1-2 Left |
Powerup Defense | 4-2-1 Up |
Powerup Offense | 3-1-2 Up |
Powerup Speed | 4-0-4 Left |
Powerup Teammates | 2-3-3 Up |
Random Plays | 1-1-5 Left |
Show Field Goal % | 0-0-1 Down |
Show More Field | 0-2-1 Right |
Smart CPU | 3-1-4 Down |
Super Field Goals | 1-2-3 Left |
Tiny Players | 3-1-0 Right |
Turn Off Stadium | 5-0-0 Left |
Unlimited Turbo | 5-1-4 Up |
Extra Blocker
To have an extra blocker press both pass and hike buttons (A and B by default.) This makes the the person that goes in motion block.
Hide Cursor
To hide your cursor when picking a play,press up on the control stick twice. This makes the cursor diseappear and prevents the other player from seeing your play.
Lateral Back
To lateral the ball back to a player on your team, point the control pad in the direction of the player and press the pass button to avoid a tackle.
CAUTION: Interceptions are frequent on this play, to avoid them in the cheat area type 3-4-4 up which will make interceptions non-frequent.
No Shoes
When the announcer says "Who's Playing?", enter the following code: Z, Z, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, A, A, Up and your team's players will not have shoes.
Onside Kick
To do an onside kick, hold Up + A + B + Z right before you do a kick off.
Skip Ending After 1st and 3rd Quarters
Tired of waiting for the camera to pan upwards at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters? Then press and hold down the Z, A, + B buttons at the same time, and the game will skip the ending of the quarter and will go straight to the next quarter.
Weather Control
Enter these codes on the Matchup screen.
Clear Skies | 2-1-2 Left |
Rain | 5-5-5 Right |
Snow | 5-2-5 Down |
Fog | 0-3-0 Down |
Thick Fog | 0-4-1 Down |