While playing a game in single player mode, press ' to display the chat window. Then, enter one of the following codes in single player chat to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Cheat Code | Result |
teamgod or avatargod | God mode |
5fingerdiscount | Full ammo |
turnpunchkick | 2D players |
1-900 | Large torsos when breathing |
meganoggin | Very big heads |
bignoggin | Big heads on all characters |
stumpy | Stumpy characters |
explore | Toggle victory conditions |
nobrainer | Disable AI |
silentbutdeadly | Flatulent walking |
clodhopper | Large feet and hands |
debugkeys | Activate debug keys [Note] |
fastactionresponseteam | Unknown |
Note: Once this code is active, the features in the "Debug commands" section below may be used.
Debug commands
Enable the "Activate debug keys" code and press [F10] to enter debug mode. Then, press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding debug function:
Key | Result |
[F2] | Screenshot |
[F6] | Change view |
[F7] or [F8] | Commit suicide |
[F9] | Return to normal view |
[F12] | Level skip |
[ or } | Adjust lighting |
A | Toggle AI |
V or B | Third person views |
[Comma], [Period], or / | Adjust elevation |