All tracks
At the arcade mode screen, press A, Left(2), Right, Down, Z.
All cars
At the arcade mode screen, press A, Left(2), C-Down, A, Right, Z. Note: The bonus cars will not be enabled with this code. For the Japanese version of the game, hold L + R and press [C-Left + C-Right + C-Up + C-Down] four times at the car selection screen.
Beach ball car
At the arcade mode screen, press B(2), A, Left(2), C-Down, A, Right.
Cupra car
At the arcade mode screen, press C-Down, Up, B, Right, A, C-Down, A, Right.
Helmet car
At the arcade mode screen, press Up(2), Z, B, A, Left(2).
Black or white cars
At the car selection screen, highlight a car, hold L + R + C-Up + C-Down + C-Left + C-Right, and press Up or Down.
Modify car color
At the car selection screen, hold C-Left (for red), C-Right (for blue), and/or C-Up (for green), then press Up or Down to increase or decrease the corresponding color(s).
Mirror finish cars
At the car selection screen, press C-Down after completing all six seasons of year five.
Rainbow mode
While playing a game, press C-Down, Z, B, Up(2), Right. For the Japanese version of the game, press C-Down, Z, B, Up Down, R at the title screen.
Disable Bi-linear filtering
While playing a game, press B, Left, Right, Up, Left, Z, Right.
View completion date
Before the title screen appears, hold C-Up + C-Down + C-Left + C-Right. The date on the title screen indicates when the game was completed.
Alternate credits
On the options screen, select the "Credits" icon. Then, press Left, C-Down, Right, Down, Z. Now a new credit screen featuring the Strip Mine will be displayed.
Return to track
Hold B and repeatedly press Analog-stick Up and Analog-stick Down.
Bonus cars
Complete the Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Expert, and Professional seasons for the indicated year to access the corresponding car:
Car | |
Milk truck | |
Helmet car | |
Cupra car | |
Beach Ball car |
All Tracks | 813243CE FFFF |
All Cars | 813243CC FFFF |
One Lap to Race | 8031C6DB 0002 |
Rainbow Mode | 8028AA96 0001 |
Playstation Mode | 8028AA6B 0000 |
Flipside (Drive Outside Car to See) | 802243AE 0004 |
Upside Down (Drive Inside Car to See) | 802243AE 0064 |
Level 1 Points | 8032431F 0064 |
Level 2 Points | 80324321 0064 |
Level 3 Points | 80324323 0064 |
Level 4 Points | 80324325 0064 |
Level 5 Points | 80324327 0064 |
Level 6 Points | 80324329 0064 |