Here Are Some of My Friends
sorry to those I've missed, if I have, please contact me, I'm sure it was a mistake.
From left to right:
Top Row: Jocelyn, Stephanie, Nia, Hanson, Kristin, Carlos, Jody, Chris, David, Ema, Venessa, and Ryan
Middle Row (Not including the three in center): Larry, Cecelia, Rose, Billy, Stephanie, Brandon, Pablo
Crouching on Floor: Ramon
Three in Center: Anne, Randy, Jennifer
Click here for the photo gallery of my friends and I!
(in no order whatsoever, some names are clickable for their pictures)
*Gavin Terbeni
*Shana Parella
*Chrystal Liverpool
*Matt Sandler
*Joseph Gaita
*Derek Stroud
*Billy Gurk
*Karen Webb
*Leon (aka in CS as Demon_Leon)
*Elizabeth Skaria- Crazy girl, CRAAAAAAAAAZEEEEEEEEEE.
*Kelly Hagedorn- She is a really good friend, one of the people that I can depend to be there for a while. Visit her new page Lair of the Lyon which she is in the process of completing.
*Kristin Herrera- Actually it has been like THREE years (1998-2001) since we've actually had a sitting conversation, but I still would like to consider her a friend and I play nice...
*Galina Rozhkovskaya- It's funny, we mainly talk while on the cheese-wagon, those good days are over. I was the only senior riding the bus since I want to give my poor 11 year-old car a rest. Every day Galina and I would talk and argue about the dumbest things, which is usually fun because she would get so annoyed by my weird opinions and strange way of thinking about things.
*Gregory P.- That's the dude that caught the Peacock Bass, and collects guns and all that good stuff
*Nina Thornberg- she has been a really good friend to me for quite a while, not a year yet, but we talk a lot. Visit her site
*Jenny McCarthy- (no, not the one on t.v.), we are very good friends, we talk almost all the time, she's very nice and is very fun to talk to. She has a pretty cool webpage, click here if you want to see it.
*Shah Sheikh- He's a big looney, known him since 1994.
*Charles Barney- I call him "lard-ass" this will be up untill I know he has access to the internet and can see this. lol
*Chantal Dumas- known her since 1992.
*Jaime Santana- known him since 1989, he's a looney, but we've been friends since the first year I lived in America.
*Tanya Phillips- We talk quite often, she's very fun to talk with, goes by "scrumptious" or "mimi" or "scrumptiousmimi" on the internet.
*Jennifer White- We are pretty good friends, she's pretty cool to talk to, although sometimes she has a very bad attitude towards herself, which I totally disagree with.
*Jacqui Holland- Good 'ol Sparky, if you ever see her, tell her to change back to Sparky instead of "Jax" which is what she goes by now-a-days
*Stefany Flores- We are good friends, we've been friends for a pretty long time
*Jonathan Hanson- no no no no no, not from the band Hanson!!! He's a big geek, and I hope he sees this. I make fun of him in front of his face a lot, but he knows I'm just playing around.
*Corey Hoffmann- We are good friends, drove up to see him a while ago after he moved, doing okay going mudding in his nasty unfinished truck, haha.
*Emily Marie Smith- been friends for a long time, we'll do better with more time to socialize. Visit her page, it's new, so it will be updated soon
*Trudi Connolly- My friend Trudi, she is really cool, and we were at San Diego at the same time, but we didn't know it, so we never met there or anything, but I'm really glad to know someone like her. She's getting a webpage soon, I will have a link to it.
*Larry Ledger- I call him wierd nicknames because Larry isn't exactly the most widespread name if you know what I mean (hehe, old people are named Larry)
*Piko Neal- Kind of a geek, but so am I, so it works out alright
*Amber Alfano- Looks like we're talking again.
*Megan Kelly- She doesn't go to the same school as me anymore.
*Jenny Schur- Goes to my school, known her for around six years.
*Mandy- Doesn't go to my school anymore, didn't know her for too long, but we were friends.
*Chris Barker- known him for quite a while, nice chap. oops, this British thing is kicking up, I think it's Monty Python's fault.
*Bobby- huh, he goes by "asswipe" the chat room monitors (dickheads) kick him out just because of his name. I say we boot the monitors.
*"TRoLL" aka "THEoddONE"- He's kinda odd (as his name suggests), but not in the bad way, we have been friends for a while
*Stephanie Weaver- just met her, but we are friends.
*Windy Croll- known her for quite a while, somehow we were cut off, and never talked to each other for a while, but we've found each other on ICQ. Woohoo, I got my buddy back.
*"BOO"- Boo's a good friend, check out his car.
*Shelley Hosking- We've been friends for a desent amount of time, she's pretty cool.
*Jeremy Sanders- We see each other once in a while in chats, but that's about it.
*Nicole Krizmanich- "MysteryGirl"
*"Pickles"- Tried to nuke me once a while ago, didn't succeed, and doesn't remember about it now. We've been friends for about a year.
*"LadyLuck"- Just met her
*Maiko Igarashi- goes by "StarBucksGirl" we've been friends for a considerable period of time
*Teresa- Tes is more of a mystery girl to me, don't know too much about her, but we are good friends and we talk to each other.

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