Welcome to my page devoted to the most beautiful actresses. My definition of a "hot" actress is often the opposite of the normal smutty actress prancing around between men in the films that most people drop their jaws at. I see attractiveness in women with both physical beauty and modesty. They tend to show more class and present themselves more slender and elegant. What you have to remember, that on a scale of 1 to 10, I rate all these women at least a 11.
Rachael Leigh Cook
My first victim is Rachael Leigh Cook. Born in October 4, 1979 (yeah, I'm completely shocked she's anywhere over the age of 19), Rachael Leigh Cook was not one of America's best known "hotties" until "She's All That." With her starring role in "She's All That," many people were "enlightened" of her [beautiful] existence and she is close to getting the recognition she so well deserves. She's a tiny little thing, kind of reminds me of my friend Kristin. |
Bridget Fonda
Ah, the lovely Bridget Fonda. Everyone who knows me best would know about my thing for Bridget Fonda. Born in January 27, 1964, it is again a shock to me that she is past her 20s. I'm not quite sure if it's her simple beauty or her "cutey" personality that I like, but she is really one fine woman. She defies aging, at 37, she looks 25 and when she was in "aria" at age 23, she looked like a teenager, almost too young for the wild nude scene she had in that film (*hint* *hint*, fast forward to the last director's scene to see the 23 year-old Bridget Fonda, it's the one where she's in a car with a guy driving in the city). Out of all the women I will name on this page, she will definitely be the least modest and shy one of them all with at least four movies known to me where she has appeared nude, which is a bit, but all but one were fairly classy and was nothing really dirty. The "dirty" one would be in a movie called "The Road to Wellville" with John Cusack, where in a brief, but sweet, scene where she is getting "vaginal therapy" by a "therapist" in the woods where, eh hem, something slips out. Anyway, Bridget Fonda has very subtle features but a less subtle personality in films which more than less are wild, out-going characters. |
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Courteney Cox
I guess you now know that one of the main reasons I watch Friends is for Monica Geller played by Courteney Cox. Her beauty is actually highly recognized even appearing as cover girl for People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People" issue pictured to the left here. She has starred in several movies, and in many music videos including Bruce Springstein's "Dancing in the Dark." It is, however, her starring role in the hit tv show Friends that got her as big as she is. She plays a controlling neat freak Monica Geller which, in my opinion, is the hottest character in the entire show. I think the feature about Courteney Cox that is the most captivating is her eyes, they are just incredible. I recommend the movie "3000 Miles to Graceland" starring Kurt Russel, Kevin Costner, and of course, Courteney Cox, and she is hotter than ever in this movie, so don't miss it. |
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Lacey Chabert
It's amazing how someone could reach such success at such a young age. Most well known to have a starring role in "Party of Five," she was brought to the public's attention as an individual as Penny from "Lost in Space." Born in September 1982, she will be turning 19 later on this year (2001), which is incredibly young. However, already she has starred in 12 movies or tv shows. Her first acting role was at the age of 8, and now she's 18 and is featured in "The Best Dressed People" issue of a popular magazine (would say People Magazine, but I'm unsure). |
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Samantha Morton
Samantha Morton was born in 1977 in England. At just age 24, Samantha Morton has won many awards and been nominated for several others. With her youthful innocent look, Smantha Morton easily makes it to my hottest babes webpage. I discovered her after watching "Jane Eyre" and she displays very talented acting as well. She is a relatively new star that is not very known to the public as a figure of beauty, but something tells me this hot British actress will soon be recognized. Until then, these are the only photos of her that I can find. |
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